Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Passing It Around

I received a lovely gift from my husband on Christmas day. He gave me his cold. Nice of him to share. The twins gave it to him because he hugs and plays with them when he comes home. I think it originated from their father in the first place who passed it along the line. He I think gave it to their mother. My husband never usually gets sick, but the grand kids are always sick, or so it seems. You can't keep clothes on them, the little buggers! They hang out in the breezeway and will have wet hair and no shoes or socks. Shelby won't keep clothes on if she is comfortable, and won't put 'em on if she is cold. I am always onto them to get slippers on their feet. Because I hug and snuggle with the little rugrats I will always get sick. We are constantly telling them to "Cover your mouths when you cough", "Wash your hands after you cough!" "Don't touch that! that has germs on it", Jack now won't go in a public rest room because we have made him afraid,
Yes, Jack there is germs in the restrooms. Shelby doesn't care . She is a discusting little creature, but so cute!
This morning I woke up to a loud hammering, crashing sound, sat up and realized that it was my blood pumping in my head. I was getting a major headache, I got up took some aspirin and went back to bed. woke 4 hours later and felt better. So I am glad that the Holidays are here that way I don't pass it along to my friends. My cold is almost gone, I let it go it course naturally without drugs as I have read that OTC drugs actually hinder the healling process and will actually make it last longer. I'll raise a toast to you all, "May you all be healthy this new year!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're starting to feel better. That's interesting about OTC drugs. Get well soon!
